Category Archives: biofeedback for kids
Guided Mindfulness Meditation with Biofeedback – example!
In this video, you can see Instant Relaxation in action. A quick guided mindfulness session from Mindfulness Games for Stone biofeedback device. You can see the physiological benefits of meditation. Perfect for beginners. Fun for experienced meditators. Control the game … Continue reading
Biofeedback Therapy Explained (Video)
Sample Biofeedback therapy session. To learn more about biofeedback method and training check links bellow: Stone Biofeedback device. Mindfulness Island software and games.
Is HRV (Heart Rate Variability) Biofeedback recommended for Children?
The Stone biofeedback and Flow HRV device are designed for adults. However, given that: 1. HRV biofeedback is completely non-intrusive and shows you how your thoughts control your body, often to improve a health condition or physical performance. 2. The … Continue reading